Banking Uncovered Episode 11. Jim Marous: Futureproofing finance part 1 – Digital innovation, AI and the dawn of the fintech

Intention to switch main bank accounts around the world is at an all-time high. In the world’s largest markets, up to 34% of consumers are considering changing their main bank provider. In the US it has never been higher at 25%.


Banking Uncovered host Charles Green talks to Jim Marous, a top 5 retail Banking Influencer, global speaker, podcast host and co-publisher at The Financial Brand, about the market dynamic causing this trend, the proliferation of digital, AI and fintechs. And much more.


In the first of two podcasts Jim and Charles dive into the challenges traditional banks face in keeping up with digital platforms, and the opportunity the data they hold on customers represents.

Topics discussed include:

  • Redefining switching: The dynamics behind switching behaviour today and how the definition of switching has changed
  • Banking relationships: Why the main bank account is no longer the primary banking relationship
  • The rise of PayPal and super apps: How companies like PayPal and other transactional apps have become dominant, and the value of the insights they hold on consumers
  • Lessons outside of finance: What financial institutions can learn from the likes of Uber and Airbnb
  • The role of AI and Gen AI: How AI is reshaping everything from personalisation to fraud prevention, setting the pace for finance’s future.
  • The dawn of fintechs: The growth of fintechs and the importance of personalisation and convenience

Don’t miss part 2, subscribe on your podcast app today.

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