How do marketplace disruptions on household finances, evolving consumer preferences, and limited insights impact your business?

Get the insights your business needs to succeed.

For Marketing & Insights Teams:

For Product Teams:

MacroMonitor measures all financial areas: offering financial services providers reliable, single-source research about US economic households’ needs, attitudes, and behaviors.

MacroMonitor, primary research conducted bi-annually, provides:

offering household balance sheet data on all financial areas, including transactions, credit. assets, debt, and other balance sheet information.


on brand preferences, product choices, purchasing channels, buying habits, and pricing preferences.


of US Households, conducted biennially since 1978.


including 39 major life events that provide an important backdrop for key financial decision-making.


with additional data cuts and audience segments to meet the needs of your business.


including Ultra-High Financial Assets, Young, Hispanic, Black, and Asian Households.


helping your team translate insight into action.



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