customer onboarding

Global Digital Banker Podcast - Payments

Season 3, Episode 13: Anne Pieckielon

This week Anna Shaw is joined by Anne Pieckielon to discuss all things payments! From Anne's extensive background in building banks and payments platforms to how the market has changed and continues to change globally.


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Global Digital Banker Podcast - Customer Onboarding

Season 3, Episode 12: Backbase and Heritage Bank

This week Kate Wilson is joined by Iman Ghodosi - Backbase and Sean Clancy - Heritage Bank to discuss the future of customer onboarding for the banks. They discuss the challenges that are being faced by having the onboarding experience moving over to mostly digital and how the banks can better assist their customers on this journey.


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Global Digital Banker Podcast - Personalisation

Season 3, Episode 11: Jonathan Tanner and Gabriela Darley – Pega

In this weeks episode Kate Wilson speaks with Jonathan Tanner and Gabriela Darley from Pega on the Personalisation of the Customer Experience. Reflecting on a co-written report by Pega and RFi Group they dive into recent consumer behaviours when it comes to the changing digital experience and what the banks need to do to retain their existing customers.


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